Store Manager

One of the latest features of the Agile Store Locator plugin is the option to assign “store managers” to manage some or all of your stores.

A store manager is a role that you can assign to different people, this will allow them to handle certain aspects of your stores. The store manager feature will ensure that you do not become overloaded while managing multiple stores.

In this article, we will briefly discuss what a store manager is capable of and how you can add store managers through the Agile Store Locator plugin.

Please follow the below steps to add store managers to your Agile Store Locator plugin:

1- Log into your WordPress account

2- Navigate to the Agile Store Locator plugin (“A Store Locator”), click on the “Store Manager” tab, and you will arrive at the “Manage Store Managers” section

store manager menu

3- To add a new store manager, click on “Add Store Manager” to arrive at the “Register Store Manager” page.

store manager section 1

4- In the “Register Store Manager” page, fill in the “Username”, “Email”, First Name, and “Last Name” Fields

5- Select one of the following roles for the store manager from the “Role” drop-down menus

  • Store Admin – This role requires approval before a new store is created
  • Store Creator – This role can create new stores without requiring any prior approval
store manager role

6- Click on “Generate Password” to generate a strong password for your store manager

7- Click on “Register User” to complete the process

Once you are done, your store manager candidate will receive an email with his/her login credentials.

Your newly created store manager will now appear on the “Manage Store Managers” page. Moreover, you can perform the following operations:

Assigning Store to a Store Manager #

Now that you have created a store manager it is time to assign stores to him/her. 

To assign stores to a store manager, please follow the below steps:

  1. Click on “Assign Stores” next to a store manager entry, and you will arrive at the “Assign Stores” page
  2. From the “Assign Stores” page you can easily assign a store to a store manager by clicking on the “Assign” check box next to a store name
    1. To remove a store from the store manager’s list of stores, simply deselect the “Assign” check box 

You will receive a notification every time you assign a store to the store manager.

assign store via manager 1

Store Manager’s Dashboard #

Once you have created a store manager, he/she will receive an email with credentials to access the store manager’s dashboard.

The store manager’s dashboard is where the store manager can manage all the stores that are assigned to him/her.

manager dashboard

Adding New Stores #

By clicking the “Add Store” button a store manager will be able to create a new store by filling in information such as:

  1. Title
  2. Description
  3. City
  4. Country
  5. Postal Code
  6. Store Timings
  7. Etc.

Once all the required information is entered the store can be created by clicking the “SAVE” button. Depending on the store manager’s role, approval will be needed by the admin to add the store to the store list.

Editing Store Information #

From the store manager’s dashboard, a store manager can also edit the information of his/her assigned stores.

By clicking on the title of a store on the store list, the store manager will be taken to the “Edit Store” page where the information about a store can be changed. Be sure to press the “SAVE” button to make the changes take place.

edit store via manager