How to Place a Product on Backorder

Users of the Multi Store Addons for WooCommerce can display certain products as “on backorder” on the store selection widget on the product page.

Placing a product on backorder will allow your customers to order that product even though it is out of stock.

To label products as “on backorder” please follow the below steps.

Prerequisites #

Before we begin, please be sure to have the following prerequisite options enabled on Multi store Addons for WooCommerce:

  1. On the “Global” tab, make sure the “Store Visibility” option is set to “Product Stores”
    store visibility
  2. On the “Products” tab, make sure the “Stock Management” option is set to “Location”
    stock management

These two prerequisites are required to mark out-of-stock products as “on backorder”.

Step 1 – Place a product on Backorder #

  1. Log in to your WordPress account
  2. Go to the “products” tab on WooCommerce, and click on “All Products”
  3. Select a product and click on the “Edit” button
    edit product 1
  4. On the “Edit Product” page, scroll down to the inventory tab, and click on the “track stock quantity for this product”
  5. On the “Allow Backorders” option, select the “Allow, but notify customer” option
    put on backorder

Step 2 – Set the Product Stock to Zero for a Location #

  1. Next, go to the “Locations” tab
  2. Activate a location by clicking on the “Edit” button
    location stock
  3. Set the stock as “0” and click on “Save”
    set stock
  4. Now the product in the above location will be labeled as “on backorder” on the product page of your online store
  5. Note: only locations that are marked “Active”, have a stock of “0” and stock status as “In” will be labeled as “on backorder”
  6. Click on the “Update” button to save your changes

Step 3 – Activate Backorder on Multi Store Addons for WooCommerce #

  1. Go to the Agile Store Locator plugin (A store locator) on your WordPress dashboard, and select the “WooCommerce” tab to access the Multi Store Addons for WooCommerce plugin
  2. On the “Global” tab, activate the “Enable Stores with Zero Stock” option
    enable backorders aslwc
  3. Click on “Save Settings”

Now, go to your website and go to a product page.

The location(s) with “0” stock will now be labeled as “on backorder”. Furthermore, any products that are ordered while on backorder will be marked as “on backorder”.