The Agile Store Locator plugin has a pro feature which is called Store Registration Form which allows users to register their store through the front-end page. [ASL_FORM] is the shortcode that adds a store registration form on the WordPress page.
Steps to Setup the Store Registration Form #
- Go to “pages” on WordPress and add a new page.
- Add the title of the page. For example, “ Store Form Store Locator”
- Paste the shortcode [ASL_FORM] on the page and press “Publish”
- Open the published page to access the Store Registration Form

How can Users Register a New Store? #
- On the Store Registration Form, fill in the new store information, address location, and any additional details.
- Press register after agreeing to the terms and conditions.
- If you have provided an email for notifications and checked the “Notifications” box in ASL Setting, you get a notification about the addition of the new store
- Go to the “Manage Stores” tab and approve the newly added store by clicking the ”approve” button next to it
- The store will now appear in the store list in “Manage Stores” and on the map as well
Pre-selecting a specific country on the Store Registration Form #
Users can also have a country pre-selected on the Store Registration Form, which can save you the trouble of continuously selecting the country from the dropdown menu when registering a new store.
To have a pre-selected country on the Store Registration Form, simply add the following shortcode on a new page:
[ASL_FORM default_country="223"]
In the above shortcode, the number 223 corresponds to the USA. To pre-select another country please use the corresponding country code provided below.
Redirecting to a specific page after registering a new store #
In case a user wants to be redirected to a different web page after registering a new store, they can do so by adding the below shortcode on the new page:
[ASL_FORM default_country="223" redirect="insert URL here"]
For example, the below shortcode will redirect the user to and the pre-selected country will be the USA.
[ASL_FORM default_country="223" redirect=""]
Remove the Google Maps #
Since version 4.8.12, the register form has a Google Map to pinpoint the location of the user by dragging the marker, in case you don’t need it, use this shortcode below.
[ASL_FORM default_country="223" map="0" redirect="insert URL here"]
List of Country codes #
Code | Country Name | Code | Country Name |
1 | Afghanistan | 124 | Luxembourg |
2 | Albania | 125 | Macau |
3 | Algeria | 126 | Macedonia |
4 | American Samoa | 127 | Madagascar |
5 | Andorra | 128 | Malawi |
6 | Angola | 129 | Malaysia |
7 | Anguilla | 130 | Maldives |
8 | Antarctica | 131 | Mali |
9 | Antigua and Barbuda | 132 | Malta |
10 | Argentina | 133 | Marshall Islands |
11 | Armenia | 134 | Martinique |
12 | Aruba | 135 | Mauritania |
13 | Australia | 136 | Mauritius |
14 | Austria | 137 | Mayotte |
15 | Azerbaijan | 138 | Mexico |
16 | Bahamas | 139 | Micronesia |
17 | Bahrain | 140 | Moldova |
18 | Bangladesh | 141 | Monaco |
19 | Barbados | 142 | Mongolia |
20 | Belarus | 143 | Montserrat |
21 | Belgium | 144 | Morocco |
22 | Belize | 145 | Mozambique |
23 | Benin | 146 | Myanmar |
24 | Bermuda | 147 | Namibia |
25 | Bhutan | 148 | Nauru |
26 | Bolivia | 149 | Nepal |
27 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 150 | Netherlands |
28 | Botswana | 151 | Netherlands Antilles |
29 | Bouvet Island | 152 | New Caledonia |
30 | Brazil | 153 | New Zealand |
31 | British Indian Ocean Territory | 154 | Nicaragua |
32 | Brunei Darussalam | 155 | Niger |
33 | Bulgaria | 156 | Nigeria |
34 | Burkina Faso | 157 | Niue |
35 | Burundi | 158 | Norfolk Island |
36 | Cambodia | 159 | Northern Mariana Islands |
37 | Cameroon | 160 | Norway |
38 | Canada | 161 | Oman |
39 | Cape Verde | 162 | Pakistan |
40 | Cayman Islands | 163 | Palau |
41 | Central African Republic | 164 | Panama |
42 | Chad | 165 | Papua New Guinea |
43 | Chile | 166 | Paraguay |
44 | China | 167 | Peru |
45 | Christmas Island | 168 | Philippines |
46 | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 169 | Pitcairn |
47 | Colombia | 170 | Poland |
48 | Comoros | 171 | Portugal |
49 | Congo | 172 | Puerto Rico |
50 | Cook Islands | 173 | Qatar |
51 | Costa Rica | 174 | Reunion |
52 | Cote D’Ivoire | 175 | Romania |
53 | Croatia | 176 | Russia |
54 | Cuba | 177 | Rwanda |
55 | Cyprus | 178 | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
56 | Czech Republic | 179 | Saint Lucia |
57 | Denmark | 180 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
58 | Djibouti | 181 | Samoa |
59 | Dominica | 182 | San Marino |
60 | Dominican Republic | 183 | Sao Tome and Principe |
61 | East Timor | 184 | Saudi Arabia |
62 | Ecuador | 185 | Senegal |
63 | Egypt | 186 | Seychelles |
64 | El Salvador | 187 | Sierra Leone |
65 | Equatorial Guinea | 188 | Singapore |
66 | Eritrea | 189 | Slovakia (Slovak Republic) |
67 | Estonia | 190 | Slovenia |
68 | Ethiopia | 191 | Solomon Islands |
69 | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | 192 | Somalia |
70 | Faroe Islands | 193 | South Africa |
71 | Fiji | 194 | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
72 | Finland | 195 | Spain |
73 | France | 196 | Sri Lanka |
74 | France | 197 | St. Helena |
75 | French Guiana | 198 | St. Pierre and Miquelon |
76 | French Polynesia | 199 | Sudan |
77 | French Southern Territories | 200 | Suriname |
78 | Gabon | 201 | Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands |
79 | Gambia | 202 | Eswatini |
80 | Georgia | 203 | Sweden |
81 | Germany | 204 | Switzerland |
82 | Ghana | 205 | Syrian Arab Republic |
83 | Gibraltar | 206 | Taiwan |
84 | Greece | 207 | Tajikistan |
85 | Greenland | 208 | Tanzania |
86 | Grenada | 209 | Thailand |
87 | Guadeloupe | 210 | Togo |
88 | Guam | 211 | Tokelau |
89 | Guatemala | 212 | Tonga |
90 | Guinea | 213 | Trinidad and Tobago |
91 | Guinea-bissau | 214 | Tunisia |
92 | Guyana | 215 | Turkey |
93 | Haiti | 216 | Turkmenistan |
94 | Heard and Mc Donald Islands | 217 | Turks and Caicos Islands |
95 | Honduras | 218 | Tuvalu |
96 | Hong Kong | 219 | Uganda |
97 | Hungary | 220 | Ukraine |
98 | Iceland | 221 | United Arab Emirates |
99 | India | 222 | United Kingdom |
100 | Indonesia | 223 | United States |
101 | Iran | 224 | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
102 | Iraq | 225 | Uruguay |
103 | Ireland | 226 | Uzbekistan |
104 | Israel | 227 | Vanuatu |
105 | Italy | 228 | Vatican City State (Holy See) |
106 | Jamaica | 229 | Venezuela |
107 | Japan | 230 | Viet Nam |
108 | Jordan | 231 | Virgin Islands (British) |
109 | Kazakhstan | 232 | Virgin Islands (U.S.) |
110 | Kenya | 233 | Wallis and Futuna Islands |
111 | Kiribati | 234 | Western Sahara |
112 | South Korea | 235 | Yemen |
113 | North Korea | 236 | Serbia |
114 | Kuwait | 237 | Zaire |
115 | Kyrgyzstan | 238 | Zambia |
116 | Laos | 239 | Zimbabwe |
117 | Latvia | 240 | Montenegro |
118 | Lebanon | 241 | Macedonia |
119 | Lesotho | 242 | Curaçao |
120 | Liberia | 243 | Palestine |
121 | Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | ||
122 | Liechtenstein | ||
123 | Lithuania |
Customization of Store Registration Form #
The store registration form in Agile Store Locator is highly customizable, allowing you to tailor it to your specific requirements. To add new fields to the form, follow these steps:
Accessing the Custom Field Manager #
To customize the store registration form in Agile Store Locator, start by accessing the Custom Field Manager section within the ASL Settings, newly created fields will appear in the form automatically.
Modifying the Registration Template File #
If you need to modify existing fields or their properties, navigate to the form file located at agile-store-locator/public/partials/asl-store-form.php
and make the necessary changes, once you have done the changes, you can make a backup of the template to avoid getting overridden with the updates.
Implementing Field Validation #
Enhance the user experience and ensure data accuracy by adding validation to form fields. Simply include the required
attribute in the HTML input elements of the desired fields.

Remove Existing Fields #
While it’s possible to remove fields directly from the form, keep in mind that certain mandatory fields cannot be removed entirely. If you still need to proceed with removal, locate the respective HTML elements in the form file (asl-store-form.php
) and delete the corresponding HTML code, for those fields you can use the d-none
class to hide them.

Customizing the Store Registration Form #
Starting from version 4.10.11, Agile Store Locator allows users to customize the appearance of the store registration form using CSS variables. These variables let you easily change the typography, font size, colors, and other style elements, the following CSS rules can be add to the Appearance > Additional CSS.
Available CSS Variables #
Here are the CSS variables you can use to style the store registration form:
: Sets the color of the title.--sl-title-size
: Sets the font size of the title.--sl-subtitle-color
: Sets the color of the subtitle.--sl-subtitle-size
: Sets the font size of the subtitle.--sl-font-color
: Sets the color of the form text.--sl-font-size
: Sets the font size of the form text.--sl-label-color
: Sets the color of the labels.--sl-label-size
: Sets the font size of the labels.--sl-action-btn-font-size
: Sets the font size of the action button text.--sl-action-btn-color
: Sets the color of the action button text.--sl-action-btn-bg
: Sets the background color of the action button.--sl-action-btn-border
: Sets the border color of the action button.--sl-font-family
: Sets the font family for the form.--sl-map-height
: Sets the height of the map.
Example Usage #
To apply these custom styles, add the following CSS rules to your stylesheet:
.asl-store-form {
--sl-title-color: orange;
--sl-title-size: 50px;
--sl-subtitle-color: red;
--sl-subtitle-size: 40px;
--sl-font-color: pink;
--sl-font-size: 15px;
--sl-label-color: green;
--sl-label-size: 10px;
--sl-action-btn-font-size: 15px;
--sl-action-btn-color: white;
--sl-action-btn-bg: purple;
--sl-action-btn-border: purple;
--sl-font-family: "Poppins";
--sl-map-height: 500px;
Customization Examples #
Example 1: Changing Title and Subtitle Colors and Sizes
.asl-store-form {
--sl-title-color: blue;
--sl-title-size: 60px;
--sl-subtitle-color: gray;
--sl-subtitle-size: 35px;
Example 2: Customizing Form Text and Label Styles
.asl-store-form {
--sl-font-color: #333;
--sl-font-size: 14px;
--sl-label-color: #666;
--sl-label-size: 12px;
Example 3: Styling the Action Button
.asl-store-form {
--sl-action-btn-font-size: 16px;
--sl-action-btn-color: #fff;
--sl-action-btn-bg: #007bff;
--sl-action-btn-border: #007bff;
Example 4: Setting the Font Family and Map Height
.asl-store-form {
--sl-font-family: "Arial, sans-serif";
--sl-map-height: 400px;
The above mentioned fonts need to be installed on your site. By utilizing these CSS variables, you can create a store registration form that matches your site’s design and branding.