The coordinates of the stores that are lat and long values of each store are responsible to pinpoint the correct location on the map, in case you have invalid or empty values for the coordinates, either the stores will not appear at all or it will point to the ocean or some wrong position, so the solution is to correct up those values, for Pro version it is fairly simple to resolve the problem, here are the steps to follow.
- First of all, make sure the cache in the ASL Settings is disabled as you may be caching results instead of the actual locations that are in the Store Manager.
- Make sure that the server API key is valid on the Import/Export page, in case you have any problem with it you can troubleshoot that first.
- Click on the Fetch Missing Coordinates button on the Import/Export page, which should fillup all the coordinates that were wrong or invalid.
- In case the step 3 doesn’t resolve the problem, export your store’s CSV file and make sure to empty the lat and lng columns in it.
- Press the Delete All button on the import/export page to delete all the existing rows.
- Import your CSV file and the import process will fetch all the missing coordinates by geocoding the given street, state, city, and postal code.