Render Store Fields Data

Since version 4.8.20, the store locator has a new attribute that can display a single store data via the shortcode attribute, such as you can display the address or title of any store at some point on the page, through the following shortcode attribute.

[ASL_STORE sl-store="6"  field="address"]

The above shortcode will only render the address of the store having the store ID 6.

[ASL_STORE sl-store="7"  field="title"]

The above shortcode will only render the title of the store having the store ID 7.

[ASL_STORE field="title"]

You don’t need to provide the sl-store attribute in the shortcode if the slug is on the URL of the page.

Similarly, you can display any default or custom field as well.

Field NameField Description
idID of the store
titleName of the store
emailEmail of the store
phonePhone number of the store
addressFull address of the store
cityCity name of the store
stateState of the store
countryCountry name of the store
open_hoursOpening hours of the store
latLatitude value of the store
lngLongitude value of the store
Possible values

Any custom field that is created through the Custom Fields can also be displayed similarly.