How to Remove or Add Hours from the Store List or Infobox?

How to Remove Store Hours from the Store List #

If users of Agile Store Locator want to remove store hours from the store list, they can do so from the “Customizer” tab.

To remove the store hours from the store list, please follow the below steps:

  1. Go to “ASL Setting”, and select the “Customizer” tab
  2. Select the Template you are using from the “Template” drop-down menu
  3. Select “list” from the “Section” drop-down menu
  4. Click on “Load Template”
  5. Remove the code line shown in the below screenshot from the “Template Editor”
Store Hours Code
Store Hours Code

Once you delete the above code, the store hours will no longer appear on the store list.

How to Add Store Hours in the Infobox #

To show store hours (opening/closing) in the infoboxes of the store locator, users will need to add the {{:open_hours}} HTML snippet in the infobox “Template Editor”.

Please follow the below steps to add the store hours to a store infobox:

  1. Go to “ASL Setting”, and select the “Customizer” tab
  2. Select the Template you are using from the “Template” drop-down menu
  3. Select “Infobox” from the “Section” drop-down menu
  4. Click on “Load Template” 
  5. Paste the below code into the Template Editor and click on “Save Template”
{{if open_hours}}
<div class="phone"><span class="glyphicon icon-clock-1"></span>{{:open_hours}}</div>

The above code can also be taken from the following link.

Paste Code in the Template Editor
Paste Code in the Template Editor

Once you have added this code and saved the template you will be able to add store hours in the store infobox from “ASL Settings”.