Agile Store Locator makes it possible for users to load a parameter using a query string. Thereby, directing their customers to the store locator with a specific parameter preselected. For example, there could be a link that takes your customer to the store locator with the address “ California” pre-selected.
While it may seem like a small detail. Eventually, customers will appreciate how much time and effort they are saved (no matter how small) by directly loading the store locator with a certain parameter.
How Does it Work? #
A query string (added) at the end of the store locator URL takes the customer to the store.
Furthermore, the Parameters to pre-select include:
- Category – “category”
- Brand – “brand”
- Address -”addr”
The query string added at the end of the URL is: “?sl-category=x”
Where “x” represents the parameter ID ( the parameter ID can be alphabetic or numeric; depending on the parameter selected). In addition, the term “category” can be replaced with “brand” or “addr”.
For example, if a user wants to direct a customer to the store locator with “California” pre-selected as the address then the following query string is added at the end of the URL:
Similarly, for the categories, it will be like this, where 4 is the category to be selected on the load, multiple categories can also be passed comma separated.
For the brand, you need to provide the brand ID as the query parameter to pre-select it.
For the specialty, you have to provide the specialty id as the query parameter to pre-select it.
An example of sl-addr, the overall URL will look like this:
If you are looking to filter through address-related fields such as city, state, postal_code, you can refer to the document about filtering data through the shortcode attributes.