How to Load Google Maps App in Mobile for Directions?

Agile Store Locator has added support to launch the Google Maps app upon clicking the “Direction” link. Furthermore, upon clicking the “Direction” link, Google Maps will launch with the geo-location coordinates of your selected store and your current location. Moreover, the direction dialog is shown in the image.

Directions Button
Directions Button

On the store locator page, the “directions” button takes users to a new Google Maps page with store directions. Conversely, the directions can directly be viewed on the store locator panel as well.

Directions in Store Locator Panel
Directions in Store Locator Panel

To select the option on how to view the store directions, please do the following:

  • Go to “ASL Settings”
  • Navigate to the “Store Direction” field
  • Select an option for the “Store Direction”
Store Directions Setting
Store Directions Setting

Users can also enable the “Open in Google Maps (Mobile)” and “ Open in Google Maps (All Devices)” options by using the below shortcodes.

Open in Google Maps (Mobile):

 [ASL_STORELOCATOR direction_redirect="1"]

 Open in Google Maps (All Devices):

[ASL_STORELOCATOR direction_redirect="2"]

Open Directions in Google Maps #

When opening the store direction in Google Maps, If a user wants certain information such as store title or location coordinates in the URL, it is possible to have this information by using shortcodes.

Use this shortcode to include the store title in the URL when the directions are opened using Google Maps

[ASL_STORELOCATOR title_in_dir="1"]

Use this shortcode to include the location coordinates in the URL when the directions are opened using Google Maps

[ASL_STORELOCATOR coords_direction="1"]

Hide the Distance Unit Control Checkboxes #

To remove the distance unit control, the CSS rule below can be used to remove them, you can add them to Appearance > Additional CSS.

#asl-storelocator.asl-cont .agile-modal .sl-form-group .checkbox-inline {display: none !important;}