Error! 0 rows imported

As you are trying to import new rows into the Store Locator via CSV import and you get 0 rows imported while you have rows in your CSV, there can be the following reasons for it.

1- The CSV file doesn’t have the correct column headers which are required in the small case.

CSV header columns

As you can see the column names must be like title, description instead of Title and Description, making it the upper case will not work.

2- You have updated_id column values, that must be all empty because it will try to search and update the existing rows instead of inserting new rows.

update id column
Update ID Column CSV

By validating the above two points, your CSV should be imported correctly, also make sure the delimiters of the CSV file must be comma separated, in case you still have a problem, email us your CSV file by creating a support ticket with your purchase code having activated support license.