The “Distance Slider” is a smooth range slider that filters the stores which are in a certain range from the user’s current location. In addition, the user is able to adjust the distance radius from the current location. Furthermore, this feature is enabled by default but it can be disabled through “ASL Settings” or by the shortcode:
[ASL_STORELOCATOR distance_slider="1"]
The values entered are either (“0”, “1”) to enable/disable
To disable the distance slider, a user will have to de-select the option from “ASL Settings” as shown below:
Once enabled, the distance slider is activated when a location is chosen. In addition, all the available stores are shown within a certain mile radius from the chosen location. Furthermore, the mile radius can be adjusted by moving the slider left or right. Lastly, even the store list on the side appears sorted by the distance closest to the user’s location.