Store Locator Open Hours

The store’s opening and closing hours are shown in the store locator’s front end and reflect the store’s business hours. In many cases, a store operates with the same timing for the whole week. However, some businesses have varied working hours. For example, a store might be closed for an hour or two on weekends. In this case, the store will need to have non-regular working hours displayed on the store info box.

Multiple Time Slots Each Day #

Users can easily add multiple time slots on certain working days by clicking on the “+” sign to add a new slot. Once the new slot is created, the appropriate date can be added and the store’s timing will be updated.

Additional Time Slot Section
Additional Time Slot Section

Once you have added your store hours, you can display them in multiple formats in the list and the info box that appears over the map on the marker click, here are the possible options, the option is visible under the ASL Settings > UI Settings tab.

open hours option
Open Hours Options

Display Current Day Timings #

The first and default option is to display the current day timings only if today is Monday, the listing will show the timings of Monday and will hide the rest of the days.

today store timings
Current Day Timings are visible in the listing

Full Week Timings #

The second option is to display the timing of the complete week including closed days, the downside of it, it takes up too much space in the list as in the screenshot.

full week open hours
Display the timings of all 7 days

Grouped Format #

The newly added grouped format can show the store opening hours in less space and shows the full week opening slots.

grouped opening hours
Grouped Opening Hours Format

How to Hide the Open Hours? #

To hide the opening hours of the store, you can simply turn on the switch of Hide Hours in the ASL Settings >UI tab, as given in the screenshot below.

hide hours

Once you enable it, please save the settings to apply the changes.

How to show the Closed Days Label? #

Since version 4.8.32, we have provided an attribute using which you can display the closed days in the group opening hours, to show the closed days, add the following shortcode.

[ASL_STORELOCATOR closed_label="1"]

How to remove Open Hours from the listing or Infobox? #

The open hours can be removed from the template through the ASL Settings > Customizer tab, you can follow the video guide below to remove them.

Remove from the Store List
Remove from the Info-Box