There has been a recent Google announcement about major changes to Google Maps. This includes changing the name to “Google Maps Platform”. In addition, the newly updated pricing policy “Pay as you Go” has been alarming for most of the users that are using Google Maps API on their Website and haven’t connected billing to their Google accounts.
In this article, we will explain the effects of the major change in Google’s pricing policy and what is going to happen to those users who don’t connect their billing to their accounts after 16 July 2018.
Websites without Google Maps API keys
Before June 2018, most websites having Google Maps on user websites such as contact pages or locations used to work without the API Keys. However, Google has now enforced that websites must have an API key associated with the Maps API.
If the Google API Key is missing, it will generate an error or degrade the map experience.

Image of Google Maps with Error in the API Key
Websites without Billing Accounts
With the new updated pricing policy, the websites having Google Maps API Key added but with an unconnected billing gateway to their accounts will work. However, it may cause disruption upon high usage when the limit of the Free tier is crossed. Google has ended the “Requests per Day”, and effective from 11th June 2018 Google Maps will start malfunctioning or totally stop the service. The good news is that most of the websites don’t cross the free usage limit and will keep working if the API Key is added. Therefore, if you have high traffic it is important to connect the payment gateway.

Image of Google Maps Platform Pay as You Go
What are the Benefits of Link Billing Gateway
When you enable billing, you will receive $200 free usage every month for Maps, Routes, or Places. Therefore, millions of users using the Google Maps Platform can continue to enjoy the free service for up to 200 USD. In addition, free customer support is also provided. To connect your billing account open up Google Console and add the Billing Gateway, here is the pricing table for more detail.

Image of Google Maps Platform Notification
Google has changed its pricing policy and will try to get all the users under the billing. In the future, it may terminate the Google Map service to those websites that are not enlisted under the billing. However, this is not going to happen very easily as it will be a huge impact on the millions of websites that rely on Google Maps. Furthermore, most of these websites don’t have billing accounts associated with them. In addition, those websites that don’t have extremely high usage will continue to work without interruption.